e70_dinorun2_roadmap({"milestones":[{"amount":10000,"title":"Foundations","version":0.01000000000000000020816681711721685132943093776702880859375,"short":"Laying the groundwork for the long road ahead. Prototypes & experiments...","long":"A game of this size can't just be jumped into. The very beginning is a critical time for proper decisions to be made: the best engine, libraries and plugins to use, the best way to handle the camera and physics, and how the dinos move and interact with their environment.

\nSky's the limit

\n\nThis is when we figure that out. We have thought about it quite a bit and have already made an entire game based on these concepts (Dino Run DX), but to truly bring it to the next level, we need to lay the proper foundations.

\n\nWe have already done the following work:

  • Establish the engine (Unity)
  • Establish a solid candidate for the 2D engine within Unity (Corgi)
  • Run some initial Unity camera and rendering tests
  • Developed a tool (currently in beta) for conveying our progress on the project, called the DinoStream.

    \n\nWe still need to do for this milestone:
  • New concept art, evolving the style we created for the original Kickstarter campaign.
  • More camera and physics tests to make sure the game looks and feels like Dino Run.
  • Design Doc Phase 1 - not just just a collection of ideas on how it will work, but a long & detailed blueprint for how we will build it, after some research and experimentation.

    \n\n\nDELIVERABLES (What funders get):

  • Concept Art (Images)
  • Camera & Physics tests (executables)
  • Design Doc Phase 1 (document)

    \n","is_delivered":1,"estimates":[["DinoStream alpha",null,null,1,""],["Design Doc v 0.1",null,null,1,""],["Determine physics engine (Box2D for now)",null,null,1,""],["New playable dino concept (Deinon)",null,null,1,""],["Simple parallax test using Unity camera choice",null,null,1,""],["Advanced physics test",null,null,1,""],["DinoStream Beta - deployed to dinorun2.com",null,null,1,""],["Determine overall engine (Unity)",0,0,1,"Comment for this task"],["Determine camera (Pro Camera 2D + adjustments)",null,null,1,""],["Advanced camera testing",null,null,1,""],["Initial physics test w/ placeholder art",null,null,1,""]]},{"amount":20000,"title":"Creations","version":0.0200000000000000004163336342344337026588618755340576171875,"short":"We begin the methods of world building, physics fun and dino motion.","long":"Once the foundations are laid, it's time to get to work and figure out how levels are created, and what will make them unpredictable and exciting even after hundreds of plays.

    \nOne of the many screen chunks from the original game

    \n\nIn the original version it was pretty simple - we had a series of screen \"chunks\" that were semi-randomly put together to make each level. This worked fine, but the terrains in Dino Run 2 need to be more than a simple grid, and with the addition of a modern 2D physics engine, special care needs to be taken to make sure combinations of physics elements (teeter totter, huge boulders, destructible terrain, dominos, etc) are combined in ways that encourage fun and don't accidentally block progress or dampen excitement.

    \nPhysics events need to be combined for MAX EFFECT

    \n\nAnd of course, the dinos all need to move smoothly through these levels. But first, we start with the humble Stego, or more specifically, the Stegoball. We'll first roll a simple ball down an arrangement of terrain chunks, and then go from there.


  • Very early Stegoball prototype - simple hill rolling
  • More concept and character art
  • Design Doc Phase 2 (document)

    ","is_delivered":1,"estimates":[["Terrain Chunk physics import from Bitmap",null,null,1,""],["Automated Terrain Chunk Import from PSD file",null,null,0,""],["Hand-Sequence some terrain chunks",null,null,1,""],["Additional camera work to follow the Stegoball",null,null,1,""],["Terrain Chunk Import test",null,null,1,""],["Terrain Chunk details import from bitmap",null,null,1,""],["Roll a Stegoball down the generated terrain chunks",null,null,1,""]]},{"amount":30000,"title":"Stegoballin'","version":0.0299999999999999988897769753748434595763683319091796875,"short":"We shape up Stegoball for its first public playable build.","long":"In this phase we continue on with the basics of Stegoball, which are really the basics of the entire game:

  • How levels are built
  • How dinos of different sizes move through these levels
  • How the physics system makes it all fun and exciting
  • How to give a proper feeling of weight and momentum\n


    \n\nBy the time we are done with this milestone, we should have a solid Stegoball Alpha, and also some new music to accompany it.

    \n- Stegoball Alpha
    \n- New Design Docs (document)
    \n- 1 or 2 music tracks

    ","is_delivered":1,"estimates":[["UI refinements",null,null,1,""],["Add basic controls for Stegoball - give a feeling of weight",null,null,1,""],["Advanced terrain sequencing (non-manual)\n",null,null,0,""],["Map the Stegoball Animations to the stego physics shape",null,null,1,""],["Advanced Parallax for Stegoball demo",null,null,1,""]]},{"amount":40000,"title":"Raptor Sandbox Alpha","version":0.040000000000000000832667268468867405317723751068115234375,"short":"A physics & animation sandbox showcasing the new capabilities of the game engine.","long":"With a playable version of Stegoball available to funders, we pivot to a vertical slice of the new game engine in a non-stego setting.

    \n\nThe raptor is the core experience of Dino Run, and with a newly expanded team we tackle the tasks of raptor control, animation and environments. We also lay the foundations for Multiplayer, so it's baked into the engine from the start.


    \n- Videos showing our initial raptor physics, animation & parallax tests
    \n- Videos showing our initial multiplayer features
    ","is_delivered":1,"estimates":[["Dino animation pipeline (Asperite + Unity)",null,null,1,""],["Initial Netcode - no prediction yet",null,null,1,""],["New parallax layer artwork creation - jungle",null,null,1,""],["Physics refinements - boulder rolling, pivot on teeter totter",null,null,1,""],["Animation integration with basic physics & key/gamepad control",null,null,1,""],["Raptor animations (Photoshop)",null,null,1,""],["Parallax implementation into sandbox",null,null,1,""]]},{"amount":60000,"title":"Raptor Sandbox First Playable","version":0.059999999999999997779553950749686919152736663818359375,"short":"Inching closer to a multiplayer physics demo for all funders to play","long":"We work towards the first playable multiplayer experience - a P2P raptor sandbox featuring the more advanced aspects of our new framework:

  • TexelRot: our fancy name for handling large rotating objects like big boulders and logs - the sprite is rotating slightly but it's barely noticeable, and offset by a huge amount of pixel-perfect rotation frames.
  • An interface that lets the player place any physics object they want, anywhere they want. Build little structures and topple them over!
  • Full audio immersion: deep background ambience, subtle collision sounds (wood on stone, raptor feet on grass, etc)
  • Emote to yourself (or other players) using the 0-9 keys.
  • Simple gamification: get the egg in the other raptor's cave and score a point.

  • Playable multiplayer raptor sandbox with full audio and some gamification (get the egg in the cave)
  • First public peek at the new engine & features
    ","is_delivered":1,"estimates":[["TexelRot - advanced system for rotating large pixel objects",null,null,1,""],["Audio: background ambience",null,null,1,""],["Audio: material-on-material collisions",null,null,1,""],["Audio: emotes & jumps",null,null,1,""],["Raptor emotes (press 0-9) with flexible speech bubble",null,null,1,""],["Dynamic raptor recoloring",null,null,1,""],["Object placement interface",null,null,1,""],["Background ambient objects (dragonflies, etc)",null,null,1,""],["Basic gamification",null,null,0,""]]},{"amount":75000,"title":"Core Gameplay Alpha","version":0.1000000000000000055511151231257827021181583404541015625,"short":"Initial work on the classic escape-the-doomwall experience.","long":"With the Raptor sandbox mostly done, we start work on the core gameplay experience - running from the Wall Of Doom:

  • Creating new terrain chunks
  • Stitching together a level from those newly created and pre-existing terrain chunks
  • Adjusting parallax foreground layers to only show at key moments (lower in altitude, etc)
  • Initial work on the wall of doom (graphics & audio)\n
  • Gamification - win/loss states

    \n-Playable wall of doom experience

    ","is_delivered":0,"estimates":[["New terrain chunk creation",null,null,0,""],["Win/loss states",null,null,0,""],["Basics of level generation (manual or random)",null,null,0,""],["Wall of doom basics (graphics & audio + integration)",null,null,0,""],["Terrain chunk creation & import pipeline",null,null,0,""]]}],"amount_raised":65596.62})